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Web Applications


Technology to excel in your sweet spot

All growing companies have opportunities to create two things:

  • Better value to their customers
  • Higher value work for their employees

In fact, to grow very far, your company will need to do these two things. A number of factors go into doing these things well, including:

  • Focusing on your niche
  • Defining consistent processes
  • Hiring the right people

But when your business hires more people, gains more customers, and generally has more moving parts, it will become significantly harder to keep the organization working and communicating smoothly.

That’s where our custom web applications come in.

Our team learns about your niche, studies your processes, and works with you to design and build a custom application using today’s web technologies so you can achieve significant improvement in the value your company generates. Some ways this happens include:

  • Engagement with customers via web, email and text messages
  • Online ordering and order processing
  • Reduction of paperwork (and the inherent delays of using paper)
  • Realtime company or project dashboard reports, and regular ”push” reporting to your email

For example, we’ve helped companies create more value for their customers and owners by:

  • Empowering customers to enroll in training events, and ensuring the right materials are ready
  • Tabulating complex group orders, empowering teams to sell more products with less effort and have fewer delivery mistakes
  • Enabling healthcare organizations to improve quality of care by easily and systematically auditing, reviewing and correcting their compliance to regulatory and internal standards
  • Simplifying management of a membership database, empowering members to purchase, renew and maintain their own membership information
  • Empowering staff to easily and consistently communicate with thousands of customers in the company’s customer database, filtering communications by specific customer categories
  • Tracking, billing, tabulating and monitoring employee time to improve work to budget, provide visibility to customers, and reduce costs compared with prior off the shelf systems
  • Enabling emergency personnel to quickly communicate with one another when regional situations arise
  • Capturing telemedicine incident data, and analyzing and reporting on the incidents, to enable healthcare facilities to assess cost savings

This list is just a sample. There are limitless ways we can help companies work more efficiently and produce greater value. If you’re thinking a web application might give your business the ability to become better, reach out to us today for a free evaluation.

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